I am Michelle, I am a psychic, healer, massage therapist and sound healer based in Gold Coast Hinterland, Queensland, Australia.


I have always had this feeling that there is more to life than what is happening on the physical plain. I always felt like I was different to everyone else and never really fitted in. I had visitations from Alien beings as a small child which scared me, so I sent them away. As a child at school, I always felt different; I had friends but never felt a close connection to them. As a teenager and young adult, I was always searching; I knew there was more to this earthly plain and I needed to know more. My journey as a teenager began by visiting “health food stores” back then as this is where you would find information about courses and crystals and all the stuff that was of interest to me. I had acupuncture and massage as a young adult and knew I wanted to explore natural therapies and live a more natural lifestyle and so my journey began. I loved exercising and the outdoors, and this took me on an athletic journey for many years. I have travelled to many destinations around the world visiting sacred and ancient sites and feel there are many more places I’d love to explore.

I completed a Swedish Massage course back in the 80’s which led to more Massage courses and then onto many meditation classes, healing workshops and personal development classes. I have qualifications as an Intuit Psychic Practitioner, Massage Therapist, Pellowah Healing Technique Teacher and Practitioner, Usui Reiki Master - Traditional Usui Reiki Ryoho and Traditional Western Reiki, Meditation teacher, and a Sound Healer. I am also a businesswoman currently owning and operating a Crystal Shop in Qld, Australia.

My interest in natural and alternative therapies has been a lifelong journey which I have absolutely loved as this is exactly who I am. I am following the whispers of my soul and fulfilling my mission as this is what I have come here to do this lifetime. I am grateful for the amazing teachers I have connected with on my journey thus far as they have helped propel me forward on my path.

When I am not working, I enjoy spending time with my family, I am married, have two fabulous Adult Children, an amazing Son and Daughter in law and two absolutely gorgeous Grandchildren whom I absolutely adore. I enjoy the beach, outdoors, delicious food and travelling the world.

If you would like to connect with me, I would be delighted to assist you on your journey.

Wishing you a fulfilling journey,

Michelle x