psychic READINGS & energy healings BY




I’m Michelle - Intuitive Psychic and Energy Healer. I offer psychic readings connecting to your soul, assisting you on your journey of self discovery.

I will assist you on your quest, connecting with your soul to unveil the pathway to your potential. Exploration of potential possibilities, through a psychic reading will leave you inspired and empowered with greater awareness and valuable insights to move forward with wisdom and clarity.

Healings - I offer a variety of energy healings that are able to assist with expanding your awareness, looking at everything from a different perspective and clearing energy blockages. I am holding space for you to receive the energy you require to shift your reality and move you forward on your journey.

PSYCHIC reading

PELLOWAH healing

REIKI healing

psychic readings 

A psychic reading connects with your soul to give you insights, answer niggling questions and give you an understanding and awareness as to why recurring patterns may be happening. This is a valuable reading to have as it will give you clarity and empower you moving forward.

About Pellowah Healing

Pellowah healing is a simple, powerful and effective way to bring positive change into your life. You will make better choices, look at everything with a new perspective, your attitude towards life and situations will change thus creating a positive shift. Pellowah is great for working on emotional blockages in your life. Pellowah is a “non contact / hands off” healing modality.

What is Reiki Healing?

Reiki healing brings the body and mind back into balance by working on the energy centres, or chakras. It enhances the body’s natural ability to heal itself, strengthening the body and soul. Reiki clears blockages and balances the chakras. Its aim is to increase energy levels and promote relaxation and well-being. Reiki is a “hands on” healing modality.