crystals for grounding & protection

Crystals are often used for grounding and protection due to their unique energetic properties. Here's a list of some effective crystals for these purposes, both for personal use and for creating a protective environment:

For Personal Use:

  1. Black Tourmaline: Excellent for grounding and protection. It helps to absorb negative energy and convert it into positive energy.

  2. Hematite: Known for its grounding properties and ability to keep you centered. It also helps with emotional balance.

  3. Obsidian: A powerful protective stone that shields against negativity and emotional stress. It can also help reveal hidden fears and blockages.

  4. Smoky Quartz: Provides grounding and absorbs negative energy. It also helps in relieving stress and anxiety.

  5. Clear Quartz: Although not specifically grounding, it can amplify other stones’ properties and can be programmed for protection and grounding purposes.

For Use in Your Environment:

  1. Amethyst: Provides a calming energy and is often used to create a protective shield in spaces. It also enhances spiritual awareness.

  2. Selenite: Cleanses and purifies the energy of a space. It also helps to create a protective barrier around your home or office.

  3. Citrine: Known for its positive energy and abundance, it can help to protect and cleanse an environment, while also raising the vibrational frequency.

  4. Black Onyx: Offers grounding and protection in your space, helping to absorb and transform negative energy.

  5. Lapiz Lazuli: Known for its strong protective energies, it helps to shield the environment and can promote harmonious communication.

Using Crystals:

  • Placement: For personal use, carry the crystal in your pocket, wear it as jewelry, or keep it near your bed. For environmental protection, place crystals in key areas of your home or workspace, such as near entryways or in corners.

  • Cleansing: Regularly cleanse your crystals to maintain their effectiveness. Methods include running them under water, placing them in sunlight or moonlight, or using other cleansing techniques like smudging.

  • Programming: Set your intention for each crystal to focus its energy on grounding and protection. Hold the crystal, close your eyes, and mentally or verbally state your intention.

Experimenting with different combinations and placements can help you find what works best for your specific needs.

For high vibrational, quality crystals visit our friends at


a Smudging Ceremony to revitalize your space